Welcome to photographybyASHLEY

I hope you all feel as welcome here as you would on a front porch, in Boerne Texas, sippin' on a glass of ice cold sweet tea. Yep that's right, I am a Texas country girl!

This blog will be a place you can come to get to know me as a photographer as well as a person. Updates on my latest sessions as well as a sneak peek into my home.

Please visit often and feel free to send me a note. I would love to hear from you.

Monday, April 28, 2014

fun with friends {C} FAMILY

How can you not have fun with this…. 

What a BEAUTY !!! 
and natural in front of a camera…

a little brotherly love 

sometimes you capture one of these sweet moments… 

Monday, April 14, 2014

hunky boys… bluebonnets…. family…

A shoemakers kids never have shoes… 
A painters house is never painted… 

a photographers family never has family pictures!!!! 

So here we are. Its only been about a year since I took pictures of my own kiddos, and even longer of the entire family. 
SO here we are .. in all our glory. 
It started pretty rough… 
on the way there were tears. threats. tears. bribes. tears. more threats...

Number two son was quite the trooper. He had a fever for a couple of days but was willing to endure for his mom. 

i LOVE this kid. look closely at his images, he will make you smile :) 

I can't name any names… but there may have been "almost" tears for someone when they discovered it was family picture night. But there may or may not have been donuts as a bribe. Not that I believe in bribes, unless it means getting the best pictures. 
AND then ANYTHING goes! 

 pretty great smile despite fever, headache, tummy ache.. 

It did not begin well for this son. {below}
I won't admit if the ROUTE 44 Dr Pepper drink that was brought with us to family session belonged to myself… however there was said drink along for the ride and this son was asked to be the carrier as we walked a bumpy a few steps to our beautiful location covered in gorgeous bluebonnets. 

It was only about three steps into the walk he tripped and drink spilled everywhere making the dirt road he fell on a mud pit. 
… more tears. 
more tears… 
wet pant legs… 

But he toughened up and we got a few smiles out of him. 

gotta love that the bow tie made it about 10 minutes… {above}

Pretty handsome for a guy with a fever and headache

the MEN 

here we are … a few smiles, a few bugs getting in eyes, a stomach ache, 

GOOFY faces

my baby for about 5 more months… 

and then there were more tears… 
because no session can be complete with 5 children without 
pouty lips, tears, whining… 

But somehow Mommy still has the magic 

the MAIN guy in my life

but this one may have stolen my heart… 

and then an angel showed up and offered to take one of the entire family! 

… WOW! when did we last have all seven of us 

me and MY BOYS
i am a lucky woman

…. and this is how we ended.