Welcome to photographybyASHLEY

I hope you all feel as welcome here as you would on a front porch, in Boerne Texas, sippin' on a glass of ice cold sweet tea. Yep that's right, I am a Texas country girl!

This blog will be a place you can come to get to know me as a photographer as well as a person. Updates on my latest sessions as well as a sneak peek into my home.

Please visit often and feel free to send me a note. I would love to hear from you.

Monday, March 23, 2009

A surrender in my life!

Well folks, sometimes unexpected events come up in our lives and we can only TRUST in the One who has the world in His hand. I really love photography but the Lord has asked me to give it to Him for a season, I do not know how long or in what capacity but for now I will no longer have a website!
I will still take pictures, and schedule minimal sessions, as the Lord leads and I would love to hear from you all. I can only say I will be at His knees surrending all that I am and all that I have waiting for Him to lead me in this area. I cannot guarantee a session but as the Lord leads I will continue to follow His bidding. So if HE should open the door for me to schedule the session I will obey!
Thank you all for your support and prayers!!!

1 comment:

  1. What? I hope you are doing ok? And I am so thankful that we had our pics taken by you when we were home... you have a true talent and I know that GOd will use that talent to increase his kingdom SOMEHOW... that is His beauty? We never know how and when we do figure it out (or realize it) we stand in awe.
